Former Secretary of State, Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama over the weekend. Powell talked about a 20 year old Muslim American from New Jersey who died in Iraq while making his case against the Republican's strategy and the rumors about Obama's faith. Below is a photo of the mother of that Muslim soldier. Click on the image to see a photo essay shot by Platon for The New Yorker magazine.
Click on the image below to watch Powell's endorsement of Obama on Meet the Press.
This is U.S. Army CPL Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan killed in Action August 6, 2007 in Baqouba, Iraq.
So I was down in Wall Street for the usual coverage of the current state of economic crisis yesterday. I noticed a crowd around a photographer. It happened to be a shooter whose blog I review on daily basis. I also dig his pictures. Click on the photo to see his blog.
Say it ain't so Joe!? Evidently Mr. Joe the plumber is not really an average Joe, nor a licensed plumber. There is also the issue of unpaid taxes.
Basically Mr. McCain ruined Joe's.... I mean Sam's life by trying to use him to make a point with false presumptions.
As it was clear "Joe the plumber" became a media subject the day after the presidential debate. As a result his whole life went under media scrutiny. Read The New York Times story here.
But really, how many plumbers make over $250,000? In Ohio! Is this middle of America? Is plumbing that good in Toledo? Is he just an average plumber? Good for Mr. Wurzelbacher to make over $250,000, but he is no average Joe!